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10 Foolproof ways to stop procrastinating

Written by Rachel Wearmouth | Nov 26, 2019 12:15:00 AM

Read Time: 5 min


The phenomena of procrastination is quite prevalent in today’s world, but it doesn't mean it’ I s a good habit. If you are a hardcore procrastinator, you know the struggle and stress of leaving your work till the last minute. All you can do at the end is wallow in regret wishing you had started the tasks earlier. Even if you are not familiar with the concept of procrastination, you might be practising without knowing it. If you have a habit of scrolling through Facebook for hours, watching YouTube videos, or fiddling through different social networks while you have a deadline to meet, you’re a procrastinator as well. If you are also struggling to learn to be punctual and get your work done on time, then this is for you.


Top 10 Ways to avoid procrastination:


1. Plan and break up your task:

One of the main reasons for procrastinating is because of the difficulty of the work. Sometimes people don't know how and where to start, which causes them to waste time. As a result, a wave of bewilderment, stress, and anxiety hits curbing your productivity and thought process. Therefore, people try to avoid the task and divert their attention to get some peace of mind. In such a situation, the trick is to break down your job into smaller sections. Then you can focus on one part at a time, and it will become easier to manage it. Moreover, if you do need additional help, try to take some support from the internet or videos which are readily available nowadays. You can also call up a friend to ask for help but make sure you don't stray away from your work for too long!

2. Allocate a study area:

The place you work at has a significant role to play in procrastination. If your workstation makes you feel cozy and tired, it is time to shift somewhere else or revamp your environment which motivates you to. Avoid your bedroom and set up in the kitchen, at a library or maybe a cafe.

3. Create a comprehensive timetable:

Students usually face difficulties where to begin. There is so much to study and do before an assessment or an assignment deadline. A detailed schedule is a solution to all of these issues. Assign specific hours of study per day and make sure they are evenly distributed. Designate goals to accomplish during your work time.

4. Eradicate Distractions:

Procrastination is tough to resist if distractions surround you. For example, if you know that you habitually check your phone regularly, then try to keep your phone away when working. Or you can turn off the notifications and don't check them unless you are through with the assigned tasks. If you can't get rid of the distraction quickly, ask your roommate or partner to stop you from using the TV or whatever distracts you. The pressure of someone checking on you might keep you on track.


5. Get a study partner:

The more, the merrier as they say! Study groups can be quite productive because they not only motivate you but also can help with sharing ideas and working through problems. Moreover, you encourage each other to pursue the respective goal and makes sure procrastination doesn't get in the way.

6. Befriend inspiring people:

The people you spend most of your time with also influence your productivity. Getting to know hard-working and ambitious people can help inspire you to work towards your dreams too. They are valuable friends that you can learn a lot from.

7. Establish your goals:

Often, people procrastinate because they don't realise what they are working towards. Establishing a career path can help keep you motivated and driven because you know what you are working towards. Once you figure out your purpose in life; it will fuel you to work for it without giving in to procrastination.

8. Read about popular influencers:

Motivational videos and speeches by influential personalities help to build your ambitions and drive you to pursue them. Moreover, there are many motivational books which teach people how to tackle hurdles life throws at you and keep moving forward.

9. Keep things simple:

Procrastination can be quite annoying and stressful. However, do not overthink it or convince yourself that you’re stuck in a never-ending loop. Gather the confidence and strength to face reality. Remember that denial won't get you anywhere but will only aggravate your problems.

10. Give Yourself a break

Everyone gives in to procrastination at one point in their life. Don't be stressed if you can't focus one day or need to give yourself a break. Reward yourself for your achievements, eat some snacks every time you complete a big section. Look after yourself.


Now that you know how to stop procrastinating, why not utilise your new-found skills on expanding your knowledge. It’s a good idea to check out the WithYouWithMe Portal. Courses are for FREE to all ex-military.